7 Jan 2020

Time Is Running Out For Your Last EBS Upgrade

Time is running out for the last E-Business Suite upgrade you’ll ever do… 


Time is running out for Oracle users on E-Business Suite 12.1. Premier Support for Oracle E-Business 12.1 will be provided until the end of December 2021. At the time of writing (10th January 2020), that’s 103 weeks away. That’s loads of time, right?

Let’s work back from the deadline, and break down what needs to happen:

This is how long you need to complete your Oracle EBS upgrade

1. You probably don’t want to plan to complete your upgrade in the last 6 months of 2021. Any unforeseen delays might put you up against the deadline and unnecessarily increase risk. It’s prudent to avoid the potential scarcity of expert resources that is likely to occur in a late rush of activity. Let’s take 26 weeks off the total, bring it down to 77.

2. Depending on the scope of your upgrade project, it might reasonably take 6-9 months to complete. That’s potentially a further 39 weeks off the total, bringing it down to 38.

3. If you are planning to use a partner to help you with your upgrade project, you will probably need time to select one. Depending on your procurement regime, that might take another 3 months to do, a further 13 weeks, bringing the total down to 25.

4. If you haven’t already, you will need to get budget in place to pay for the project. Again, the time required for this might be another 3 months, or another 13 weeks, bringing the total down to 12 weeks.

R-12 Upgrade Clock

Time for an Upgrade Assessment

An Upgrade Assessment typically takes 2-3 weeks and encompasses the 4 main streams of an upgrade project:

  • Project Management – Pulling the threads of the project together, utilising end user resources where possible, to formulate a detailed plan for the upgrade project.
  • Functional – Workshops to review business processes, examine the use of new features, and potentially retire existing CEMLIs.
  • Technical / CEMLIs – Scripts to determine an inventory of customisations and the effort involved in converting these to match the R12.2 data model.
  • DBA / Architecture – Current and to-be platforms assessed, detailed activities determined, and estimates made.

Drawing on the experience of hundreds of completed upgrade projects, experts from each of these disciplines will come together in concert to provide the very best advice specifically for your organisation.

Time is running out for Oracle users on E-Business Suite 12.1, but if you would like to find out more, further information on the 12.2 upgrade can be found HERE


If you want to work with an Oracle partner that cares as much about its clients as it does about our employees and community, then contact us. You can email us at info@claremont.co.uk or phone us on +44 (0) 1483 549314.

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