Claremont Oracle E-Business Suite Blog

6 of the best Oracle blogs for techies

Written by Ben Morris | Apr 7, 2021 11:01:00 AM

If you are anything like the Claremont Oracle technical specialists, you have a passion for reading the latest Oracle news and technical blogs.

Here are 6 of our all-time most popular technical blogs, containing useful information that many of our website visitors return time and time again to re-read, using the hints and tips our Oracle specialists use frequently.

What to consider when planning your upgrade of Oracle’s E-Business Suite 12.2.9?

In this blog we identify a few of the key technical issues that have been encountered as a result of performing the Database Administration (DBA) technical steps for these upgrades. These are specific to the 12.2/19c upgrades, which you probably will not have encountered in previous upgrade projects.

We discuss the new Enterprise Command Centre, hardware, storage, and operating system requirements. We also discuss how to make custom code compliant with the new online patching architecture.  


How to Upgrade to Oracle Linux 7 for E-Business

A pre-requisite to the upgrade of EBS 12.2.9 (specifically the 19c Database element) is partnering it with the correct version of Linux, i.e. Oracle Linux 7. With Premier Support for Oracle Linux 6 finishing in March 2021, this will leave many users running on an unsupported platform.

Find out more about Claremont’s Linux upgrade methodology to ensure those elements of custom configuration are deployed onto the new server to maintain the functionality of the source system.


What has changed in Oracle Database 19c?

With the wider adoption of Oracle container databases and the impending de-support of non-container database coming with Oracle Database 20c, it is well worth considering how this will impact your standby databases and Disaster Recovery (DR) environments.

The good news is that overall, the principle of standby databases has not changed significantly but there are a few key points that need to be understood to manage standby databases in the multi-tenant architecture effectively. There also a few new features that will help with standby database management.


How to fix a poorly Performing SQL Database

On each new version of the database, Oracle introduces new features and bug fixes to make the core engine of the optimizer smarter and more efficient than it was in the previous version. In the latest 12c version of the database, there is an array of these new features available, all with the goal of making sure that for any SQL statement the optimizer chooses the fastest execution plan it can.

One common feature of the half dozen or so 12c database upgrades that we have performed for various customers over the last few months is that most pieces of SQL after the upgrade will run in the same time as before, however there are those few that run a little faster or a little slower, and the handful that run significantly faster or significantly slower.

By “significantly slower” we mean a runtime pre-upgrade of a few seconds or minutes which after the upgrade has degraded to a few hours (or days!)

In this blog we discuss the method to fix poorly performing SQL after a database upgrade.


The top 7 Oracle scripts every DBA should know

Every Oracle DBA will have a set of SQL scripts that they will call upon time and time again in a variety of scenarios – to diagnose performance problems, to check configuration, in response to frequent user/management queries and so on.

Some DBAs will jealously guard their scripts like a dragon and its gold, but most DBA teams will typically share these scripts around themselves or store them in a central repository.

In this blog our specialists share some bits of SQL that they use when working in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.


What should you consider when moving to Oracle Cloud?

Many organisations that previously wouldn’t consider moving key corporate systems to the Cloud have started that journey or are considering which Cloud to select.

Oracle Cloud hosting isn’t the only option for hosting Oracle systems and there are other well-established Clouds that should be considered, either as a strategic Cloud supplier or for hosting Oracle as part of a hybrid hosting approach.

As a leading supplier of hosting solutions for Oracle users, Claremont has published a definitive guide to help companies make the right decision when it comes to hosting their Oracle system. 

We have assessed and scored key facets of each Cloud hosting option, including the market leaders, providing a definitive review in order to help you make the right decision for your company’s future.


Choosing the Right Managed Services Provider

If you are looking for an Oracle partner who can help you with your Oracle support requirements, goes about it the right way, and can back up the talk, then contact us.

And if you would like to find out more about the E-Business Suite updates or have a question, you can email us at or phone us on +44 (0) 1483 549004.