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Claremont Oracle E-Business Suite Blog: DBA


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Digging Around Like a Manic Miner

Hi Ho Hi Ho – It’s off to work I go A Day In the Life of a DBA Digging around like a Manic Miner is something that I like to do. I’m a Database Administrator for Claremont and one..

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Death of the Oracle DBA (Again)

Larry Ellison, Oracle’s CTO & co-founder, recently announced the world’s first fully autonomous database, with the promise that this will reduce the effort and hence cost of..

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Ignore Oracle Database Administration at your Peril

You know that spongy feeling in your car brakes that you ignore at your peril? Or the widening crack in the outside wall of your house? That’s your enterprise Oracle database: the..

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A DBA shaped miracle

Picture the scene, it’s the last Friday of the month and the Financial Controller crashes into the IT department looking for a DBA shaped miracle.

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What makes a good DBA?


We DBAs are a funny old bunch (“Really?!?” I hear you cry – Yes! Really!) – I’m sure we can seem to the untrained outsider somewhat Forest Gumpy (box of chocolates and all that)...

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